Different Types Of Swimming Pools

  1. Types of swimming pools
  2. Custom pools
  3. Different Types Of Swimming Pools

Different Types Of Swimming Pools: A Comprehensive Guide For Swimming Pool Builders

An aerial photo of various swimming pools in different settings.

Choosing the perfect swimming pool for your home can be as thrilling as it is bewildering. With options ranging from luxurious infinity pools to family-friendly above-ground models, there's a pool out there for every lifestyle and budget.

This guide offers clear insights into the myriad of pool types available, helping you match your dream design with practical considerations. Dive in and discover your ideal splash zone!

Key Takeaways

  • Inground pools, including fibreglass, vinyl, and concrete options, provide a permanent swimming space with various finishes and shapes to suit different budgets and styles.
  • Above-ground pools offer a cheaper and easier-to-install alternative, available in materials like steel, resin, aluminium, wood, and with the option of using vinyl liners for water containment.
  • Architectural pools are custom - designed to complement home style but come with a higher cost due to their uniqueness.
  • Infinity pools create the illusion of endless water merging into the horizon while providing an extravagant visual effect.

Types of Swimming Pools

An architecturally modern pool with sleek landscaping in a bustling atmosphere.

Inground pools are constructed within the ground, providing a permanent and often luxurious addition to a property.

Above-Ground pools are typically cheaper and easier to install, making them great for those on a budget or with limited space.

Architectural pools are custom designed to complement the style of a home or building.

- Infinity pools create the illusion of water extending into the horizon, giving off a stunning visual effect.

- Natural pools use plants and filtration systems rather than chemicals for water purification, mimicking natural bodies of water.

- Saltwater pools use salt instead of chlorine for sanitation, offering a gentler option for swimmers’ skin and eyes.

- Plunge pools are small, deep swim areas that provide relaxation and cooling off in hot climates.

- Spool is a combination of spa and pool; it’s smaller than traditional swimming pool but larger than usual spa sizes.


Inground pools are a permanent addition to your home, set into the ground. They come in three main types: fiberglass, vinyl, and concrete. Fiberglass ones are quick to install and cost less upfront.

Vinyl and concrete options offer more finishes and can be shaped differently to fit your garden.

Choosing an inground pool means thinking about what style you like. You might want an L-shaped pool or something unique. You must think about how much it costs not just to put the pool in but also for fixing it later on.

These pools need regular care to stay clean and safe for swimming.


Above-ground pools sit on your land, not in it. They are good if you want to swim at home but don't want to spend lots of money or dig a big hole for an inground pool. You can find these pools made with steel, resin, aluminium, and wood.

Some use vinyl liners to hold the water.

You can pick from many shapes like round or oval. Choose a size that fits your space best. Setting up temporary swimming pools is quick and easy—they can be ready in just one day! If you need something more durable, go for wooden above-ground pools that look nice and last longer.

There's even inflatable swimming pools perfect for families who move around a lot because they're so easy to pack up.

Now let's talk about types of swimming pools that blend into your house design – architectural ones!


Architectural pools stand out for their design. An architect works with you to make a pool that fits your home like a glove. They use shapes, lines, and materials that match your house's style.

These pools often cost more because they are unique to each place.

Building an architectural pool needs special skillPool architects know how to plan and build these special swims spots. They make sure everything goes right from the start to when you first jump in! Next up, let’s dive into infinity pools and what makes them magical.


Infinity pools are like magic in your back garden. They have one edge that looks like it goes on forever, blending with the sky or nearby water. This makes you feel as if you could swim right into the horizon.

People love these pools because they seem to have no end and give a place a very special look.

Building an infinity pool is for those who want something extra fancy. It's not just a place to splash around; it's about making a statement. These pools are all about their amazing view, often found at resorts or dream homes on hillsides looking out over the ocean or other stunning landscapes.

They are also called vanishing edge or negative edge pools because of how they trick your eyes into seeing endless water.


Natural swimming pools are beautiful and ecofriendly. They use plants, not chemicals, to clean the water. This means you swim in water that's safe and feels nice because of the natural filtration from aquatic plants.

Rocks or even man-made rocks can be part of these pools to make them look more like a real pond.

People who want an environmentally friendly pool choose this type. These pools fit well in gardens because they blend into the landscape. You don't need to use harsh stuff to keep the water clean, which is great for nature.

Plus, with perennial plants doing most of the work, taking care of your pool becomes much easier over time.


Saltwater pools have a big plus: they use salt to keep the water clean instead of chlorine. This makes the water feel softer on your skin and can be easier on your eyes. They work by using salt chlorinators, or salt chlorine generators, which take the salt in the pool and turn it into just enough chlorine to kill germs but not so much that it smells strong or irritates you.

Taking care of a saltwater pool is different than caring for a regular chlorine one. You still need to check things like the pH level and how clear the water is, but these pools often need less day-to-day attention than their chlorine cousins do.

People choose these saline pools as an alternative to traditional ones because they offer gentler swimming conditions and can cost less over time in chemicals needed for pool maintenance.


Plunge pools are cute, small swimming pools perfect for a quick dip and relaxation. You can find them in backyards where space is tight. They're not big like other pools but offer a cool spot to chill on hot days.

Their size is usually around 2.4 to 3.7 metres wide and no more than 7.3 metres long.

People love plunge pools because they remind them of the special ponds that form under waterfalls which make you feel fresh and young. They're also easy on your wallet since they cost less to build and keep clean compared to bigger ones.

If you have just a little garden, this type of pool could be just right for you—it saves space but still lets you enjoy having a pool at home.

Moving from compact plunge pools, let's take a look at spools, another interesting option for your property.


Continuing the discussion of small pools, a spool is a popular option for those looking for a compact swimming pool experience. It combines the relaxation of a spa with the functionality of a small pool, also known as a plunge pool.

Typically featuring lukewarm water and powerful jets, spools are designed more for hydrotherapy and exercise rather than playing or swimming. Despite their smaller size, they offer the opportunity to swim against a current, providing an uninterrupted swimming experience similar to larger pools.

Constructed from materials such as concrete or fibreglass, spools are suitable for individuals looking for a space-saving yet versatile aquatic feature in their backyard.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Pool Type

A modern backyard with a pristine swimming pool and lush landscaping.

Consider your budget, space availability, maintenance requirements, and personal preferences before deciding on the type of pool to build.


When considering the budget for a swimming pool, various factors come into play. The size of the pool directly impacts both the construction and maintenance costs. Additionally, the type of pool chosen, such as inground or above ground, along with material selection influences the overall expenses.

It's important to remember that not only building but also operating a pool requires financial consideration. From pool construction cost to maintenance expenses and operation budget, each aspect should be carefully assessed before making a decision.

Space availability

When considering the space availability for your swimming pool, it's essential to take into account factors such as property sizeland availability, and any construction constraints.

The size of your pool will need to fit within the available space while also adhering to any local regulations. Budget constraints may limit the potential pool size based on the available land and intended usage.

Additionally, personal preferences play a crucial role in determining how the pool will fit within the designated space, ensuring it complements your property while meeting your needs.

Maintenance requirements

When it comes to maintenance requirements for swimming pools, the size of the pool plays a crucial role. Larger pools generally require more time and effort for upkeep compared to smaller ones.

The circulation systempool cleaning, and water chemistry are essential aspects that need regular attention. Adhering to recommended maintenance standards not only ensures the longevity of the pool but also contributes to its proper functionality over time.

It's important to note that different types of swimming pools have varying levels of maintenance demands. Pool builders should carefully consider these specific maintenance needs when choosing a pool type for construction projects.

Personal preferences

Considering the various pool types and construction methods, it’s essential to factor in personal preferences when choosing a swimming pool. Your budget, available space, intended use, and personal taste will all play a role in determining the most suitable pool for you.

Material options such as concrete, fibreglass, or vinyl liner pools offer different customisation choices that can align with your preferences.

When deciding on your ideal swimming pool type and design method, it's important to weigh these choices against factors like maintenance requirements and longevity while keeping your specific personal tastes in mind.

Popular Pool Construction Methods and Materials

Discover the different pool construction methods and materials used, such as gunite, fibreglass, vinyl, and optimum pools. Learn about the benefits of each option to help you make an informed decision for your swimming pool project.

Read on to find out more!


Gunite is a popular choice for building swimming pools, known for its strength and durability. It's made of sand, cement, and water mix that results in a robust pool structure. This construction method allows for various design options with flowing lines, different shapes, and sizes.

When considering an inground pool, the long-lasting nature of gunite makes it a durable option despite being more expensive than other materials.

Moving on to the next section about "Fibreglass" which is another material used in pool construction process.


Moving on from the construction method of Gunite, another popular option for in-ground pools is fibreglass. Fibreglass pools are favoured for their durability and versatility. These pools can be customised to fit various shapes and sizes while maintaining strength and stability.

The installation, manufacturing, cost, and design options of fibreglass pools make them an important consideration when choosing the right pool type. Fibreglass offers a durable and low-maintenance option that is worth considering for your pool construction project.


Moving from fibreglass to vinyl, it's essential to consider the cost and customisation benefits of this pool construction material. Vinyl liner pools are a popular choice due to their affordability, costing at least $10,000 less than similar fibreglass or concrete pools.

Additionally, they offer quick installation processes and customisable designs that can fit any shape or size requirements. These factors make vinyl pools an attractive option for budget-conscious homeowners seeking flexibility in pool design without compromising quality.

Moreover, when exploring pool construction options, it’s crucial to acknowledge the significant advantage of vinyl in allowing for personalised shapes and sizes while maintaining cost-effectiveness.

Optimum Pools

Optimum Pools is a popular choice for pool construction due to their durability and customisability. They are made of gunite, which is a mixture of sand, cement, and water sprayed over a rebar framework.

This method allows for flexibility in design and shape, making it easy to create unique and personalised pools. Optimum Pools also have the advantage of being highly durable, with minimal risk of punctures or tears.

When considering pool construction materials, fibreglass pools are another option to consider as they offer low maintenance and quick installation compared to other types of pools.

Additionally, vinyl liner pools provide a cost-effective option that can mimic the look of more expensive materials like tile or concrete.

Choosing the Right Pool Accessories

Consider adding steps and ladders, covers, lighting, heaters, and water features to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your swimming pool.

Steps and ladders

When it comes to pool safetysteps and ladders are essential accessories. They provide a safe entry and exit point, especially for inground pools. Pool ladder design should adhere to specific standards like AS 2818-1993 for swimming pool safety.

Regular maintenance of pool ladders is crucial to ensure ongoing safety.

Diving board safety is also an important consideration when it comes to pool accessories. The design and installation of diving boards must meet strict requirements outlined in swimming pool standards.


When it comes to pool accessories, covers play a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness and safety of swimming pools. Pool covers help prevent debris from entering the pool, reducing the maintenance required to keep the water clean.

Additionally, winter pool covers are essential for protecting the pool during colder months, preventing damage caused by freezing temperatures and reducing heating costs. It's important to consider factors such as material, design, and ease of use when choosing the right pool cover that suits your specific needs and preferences.

Pool cover materials come in various options with different designs suitable for protection against debris or safety measures. Understanding these options is vital when considering which type of cover will be most effective for your swimming pool.


LED, fiberoptic, and solar lights are popular choices for swimming pool lighting. LED lights are highly favoured due to their energy efficiency and long lifespan. They can save up to 80% more energy compared to halogen lighting, making them a cost-effective option for pool owners.

Additionally, underwater lighting can reduce the reflection effect in pools while enhancing overall illumination. When considering pool lighting fixtures, it's essential to prioritise energy efficiency and performance to ensure optimal functionality and aesthetics.

Swimming pool accessories such as LED lights provide both practical benefits and aesthetic appeal. By incorporating efficient and effective lighting systems like LEDs or solar lights, pool owners can create an inviting ambiance while minimising energy consumption.


There are four main types of pool heating systems: solar, electric or heat pumps, and gas. Solar heaters use energy from the sun to warm the pool water, while electric ones generate heat by using electricity.

Heat pump heaters extract warmth from the air and transfer it to the pool water, and gas heaters use natural or propane gas to produce heat. Each type has its own advantages and drawbacks in terms of cost, efficiency, and environmental impact.

When choosing a heater for your swimming pool, it's crucial to consider factors such as upfront costs, operational expenses, climate conditions in your area, and how frequently you'll be using the pool.

Water features

Water features are essential pool enhancements that add flair to any aquatic space. Whether it's the soothing sound of a fountain, the elegance of deck jets, or the luxury of a spillover spa, these water adornments create a focal point and elevate the overall ambiance.

Additionally, modern pools can benefit from sleek enhancements such as sheer descents and fire bowls that not only add style but also provide an element of sophistication. Including these decorative water elements in your design will surely make your pool stand out with aquatic features that exude luxury and relaxation.

Pool accessories play a significant role in enhancing your swimming pool experience, adding both aesthetic appeal and functionality. Water embellishments like grottos, fountains, scuppers, and infinity edges bring luxury to any pool setting.


In conclusion, understanding the various types of swimming pools is crucial for builders. Different materials and construction methods offer unique features and considerations. By considering factors like budget, space availability, and personal preferences, builders can make informed decisions about pool design and construction.

The comprehensive guide provides valuable information to help navigate the choices available in pool types, designs, and accessories. With this knowledge, builders can create stunning swimming pools that cater to different needs and styles.